Monday, July 11, 2011

Winnipeg Day 3 and 4: contests are over.

(canadian pro obstacles: Justin 3rd. Jess 2nd. Tibo 1st.)
There's something to be said about competitions. At best, I'd like to consider them to be a necessary evil. On one hand, if the sport is to grow and progress towards a legitimate board sport, it is required that there exists the necessary platform and exposure in order for that to be possible. Also, not to mention that many of these riders rely on these sort of events in order to make a living. Now on the hand, competitions can sometimes take away from the fun when taken to serious. In a competitive environment, it's easy to lose track of what's most important.

Unfortunately for myself, I let the latter get the best of me this weekend. Things started off great on Friday after I qualified for the finals at the Triple Crown open rails event with a 91.00. The reason why I think things went so well is that I had zero expectations going in. But now the game had changed, and I suddenly found myself second guessing every move I made. Needless to say that my riding went to shit as the weekend went on to the point that I didn't even make it past the qualifiers today in the Canadian Wake Park Championships pro rail event. 

Luckily for me, it's not the riding I'll remember. I mean sure ya on friday my fun was had on the water, but on saturday and sunday all the fun was happening off the water. Hanging with crew, meeting some solid locals, watching some dope ass riding, and all the while being lucky enough to ride Canada's sickest cable park was pretty fucking sweet ay. 

And now tomorrow it's back to free riding and filming for our last day with another sunny day in the forecast.

Thank you Winnipeg, Connor, and Adrenaline Adventures for a great time.

(for a full wrap up of the WWA triple crown visit

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