While the New Year is a good time to reflect on the year that was, I would rather look ahead to the year that will be. Don't get me wrong, 2011 was an absolutely great year for me both on and off the water. But with that said, this year should be no different. So here's a few things I look forward to in 2012...
4. The return of Raph Derome

3. More cable parks in Canada
In 2011, Canada was fortunate to gain its first full size cable park in more than two decades. Adrenaline Adventures in Winnipeg, Manitoba, is the most legitimate and state of the art water sports complex this country has ever seen. Ontario was also lucky to gain their second wake park in as many years with The Ranch Wake Park opening up in Newmarket, Ont. Now there are whispers of numerous other cable parks going up from coast to coast in the near future. Rumour has it that cities like Calgary, Abbotsford, Kelowna, Quebec City, and Ottawa/Gatineau could be next...
2. More Slingshot
Pardon me if this seems a little biased, but you can't blame me for being honest and reppin' for the holmies. The arrival of Slingshot wakeboards a few years ago marked a clear revolution for our sport. Flex technology has allowed our sport to breakthrough some important barriers, especially when it comes to style (i.e. Raph Derome) and performance. 2012 will be an exciting year for Slingshot as our sport continues to grow and people expand their horizons to try new equipment. Their line up for this year is tops in the industry hands down. I myself had the pleasure of riding the full 2012 Shredtown setup by Slingshot for the first time when I was in Thailand, and all I can say is that I can't wait to get back on it!
1. The next trip(s)
I had the pleasure of travelling both domestically and internationally this past year. Obviously going to Thailand would have to be the highlight of the year, but I wouldn't be so quick to discredit the adventures and fun I had during my travels to Winnipeg, Montreal, Trois-Rivières, Victoriaville, Timmins, and St. Zotique. Needless to say that I anxiously await for the next departure. And so it begs the questions, where to?
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